What I Learned This Past Week - 6.28.22
At this rate, we'll have more metaverses than stars in the universe
I’m sharing with whoever’s interested in what I learn as I try to remain clear-eyed about the opportunities for real estate and web3.
Did I miss important news or a great article this week? In the likely event I did, please shoot me an email (mark@hurstx.com) and let me know!
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This Week’s Musings
OK it’s not real estate related, but when Em and Snoop drop a new track featuring their Apes I have to call attention to this.
This co-mindling of digital and real world identities is fascinating to observe. While not everyone has the creativity and resources to pull this off, it does speak to the immense opportunity of web3 projects.
Informative Articles I Read
Billionaire Henry Cheng Ventures Into Web3 With Investment Tokens For London Real Estate (Forbes) - Knight Dragon, a London-based property developer owned by Hong Kong’s Henry Cheng, is offering investors a share in the profits of one of Britain’s largest urban renewal projects by using blockchain technology.
Blockchain Investments Are Disrupting The Real Estate Industry: Report (CoinTelegraph) - Asset tokenization surpasses $20B, of which real estate is a very small 1.2% but the bulk of the assets being tokenized.
Why The June Crypto Crash Does Not Effect RE.X And BRICK (Medium) - A good reminder that blockchain does not equal crypto.
Podcasts That I Listened To
Real Estate In Web3 With BalconyDAO (The Market Madness Podcast) - Balcony DAO discusses fractionalizing real estate and making this asset class more accessible for investors.
Innovate Companies I Discovered
Landindex - Landindex is a metaverse data analytics tool that helps businesses and investors to understand the value of the land within metaverses.
Landz - Dropping the first interoperable real estate NFT collection in the metaverse.
RLBLC - Luxury real estate NFT for 1000 members.
Tilaverse - Purchase luxury properties in the Tila.Earth Metaverse.
People to Know (Those I Met Or Connected With Who Are Much Smarter Than Me)
Max Ball - CEO of Lofty
Trevor Bacon - CEO of Parcl
Ali Yahya - General Partner at a16z
Web3 Announcements from Proptech Companies
The Path To Lofty’s Secondary Market - More of a coming soon but there are some informative mockups that I enjoyed as well as a discussion on the roadmap.
Random But Important Things I Stumbled On
In An Apparent First, Lawyers Serve Legal Papers Using An NFT (JD Supra) - Stolen funds were traced to a digital wallet, where an NFT was sent with a link to the court order.
The Metaverse Standards Forum (metaverse-standards.org) - While Apple and Google chose not to participate, the inclusion of Microsoft, Meta, and Epic Games does give weight behind this group. Open standards driving interoperability within different metaverses. We’ll have to see if this group is able to keep things united, or if differing agendas cause this to blow up.