I’m sharing with whoever’s interested in what I learn as I try to remain clear-eyed about the opportunities for real estate and web3.
Did I miss important news or a great article this week? In the likely event I did, please shoot me an email (mark@hurstx.com) and let me know!
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This Week’s Musings
Hard to believe another week has already passed. I was briefly in Phoenix last week for the Home Builder Digital Marketing Summit (shout out to Blue Tangerine and Outhouse for putting on a great event). No mention of web3 this year, but I can’t imagine it is too long before it becomes part of the conversation.
I also caught this post on my LinkedIn feed last week. Looks like two of the real estate web3 companies I got to know at Blueprint are cooking something up…
And finally, my best bud Ryan Christensen was just named CEO of Archblock! Congrats again and can’t wait to see what you and the team accomplish.
Informative Articles I Read
The ‘Real State’ of the Metaverse in Real Estate (Commercial Observer) - What caught my eye with this article is that it was a content piece written by a tax firm. I’m sure a few early metaverse land speculators could have benefitted from some sage tax advice.
Lofty Trading is Now Live (Lofty) - You can now trade real estate tokens with other investors in minutes on Lofty’s platform.
New York real estate developer buys first-ever real-life office building as NFT (Finbold) - I’m sure the $1,300 they spent on the NFT is well worth all the publicity surrounding this announcement.
LAMINA1 Whitepaper (Discord) - Neal Stephenson's LAMINA1 team have dropped a whitepaper outlining their vision for the metaverse and the web3 technologies to power it.
Podcasts/Events/Webinars/etc. That I Listened To
Innovative Companies I Discovered
New Silver - Went live with the first revolving pool of real estate bridge loans for fix and flips, also leverages Centrifudge’s Radial (RAD) token for rewards.
People You Need To Follow On LinkedIn
Laura Fortey - Co-Founder & COO of REITIUM
Janine Yorio - CEO of Everyrealm
Web3 Announcements From Proptech Companies
RealT Continues to Innovate with a Focus on Web3 Mass Adoption for Tokenized Real Estate (PR Newswire) - RealT announced the launch of Walletless, a feature that allows investors to participate in the tokenization of real estate assets without a Crypto-Wallet.
Random But Important Things I Stumbled On
The Building Game That Doesn’t Let You Build (Bloomberg) - An all too real satire of Bay Area housing politics.
Newsom Vetoes ‘Premature’ Crypto Oversight Bill for California (Bloomberg) - Surpise move by Newsom but don’t think this will be the final time this legislation comes to his desk.
Walmart enters the metaverse with Roblox experiences aimed at younger shoppers (CNBC) - Walmart experimenting with connecting the physical and digital world’s.